MATH- March 12
- 2-digit subtraction with and without regrouping.
- 2- digit subtraction to solve Problems
- Explore minutes and hours- Make reasonable estimates
- Time to the hour
- Time to 5 minutes
- Problem solving based on the time
- Place value: Hundreds, tens and ones
- Understand place value
- Read and write 3-digit numbers in different ways:
- Standard form: 243
- Word form : Two-hundred forty three:
- Expanded form: 2 Hundreds 4Tens 3 Ones
- Number sentence : 200+40+3
GEOMETRY - March 11
- Identify Solid figures (3D Shapes)
- Attributes or characteristics of solid figures (vertices, faces, edges, flat or curved surfaces ; slide or roll)
- Identify Plane figures
- Attributes or characteristics of plane figures ( vertices and sides)
- Problem solving based on plane and solid figures
- Patterns:
- Identify the pattern unit (AB, AAB, ABC, ABBA )
- Repeating patterns
- Growing patterns
- Problem solving based on patterns
- Reading Comprehension - in class
- Writing- in class
- Grammar:
- verbs that add -s
- verbs that don't add -s
- verbs for now and the past
- Vocabulary: any, enough, ever, every, own, sure, were, away, car, friends, house,our, school, very, afraid, again, few, how, read, soon, about, enjoy, gives, surprise, surprised, worry, would
- Spelling Lists : 6, 7, 8
Es importante colaborarle a su hijo(a) en los siguientes aspectos:
1.- Organizar un horario de estudio en las tardes y seguirlo con disciplina.
2.- Tener un lugar apropiado para estudiar; escritorio, mesa, los útiles necesarios, buena luz. No tener equipos de sonido, T.V., Ipads y celular en la zona dedicada al estudio.
3.- Revisar sus cuadernos y worksheets de manera que tengan el material necesario para poder estudiar.
4.- Darles la seguridad y el apoyo que ellos necesitan, haciéndoles saber que ustedes están pendientes de sus estudios y dispuestos a colaborar como siempre.
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