- Respect is to treat others kindly without criticizing.
- Respect is to listen, attend, and treat others as we would like to be treated.
- Respect is necessary to live in peace and harmony with our friends, family, and neighbors.
- We respect ourselves when we take care of our body and our health.
- Having respect for ourselves is not to let anybody to make fun of us for what we are or what we do.
- Feeling respect for ourselves helps us to do what is right even if other people tells us to go the wrong way.
- We should listen others without judging them.
- We have to learn thatwe have the same rights, even if we are different.
- It is important to learn to respect our friends and not laugh for how they look, what they like or for their culture.
- When a friend makes you feel bad or critizes you, it means that he or she doesn`t respect you.
- It is important not to get into people`s lives. Sometimes they need to be alone o have other activities where we can not go and we have to respect that.
- We have to respect our elders and our parents. They have experience and wisdom that can share with us.
- We shouldn`t make feel bad other members of our family even if what they like seems ridiculous to us.
- Respect your parents, your friends, and your teachers.
- Respect yourself. Don`t do what others tells you to do if you think that it is not right.
- Respect is to listen, attend, and treat others as we would like to be treated.
"Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible.”
Koffi Annan
- We are tolerant when we respect other people's differences.
- To be tolerant it's necessary to understand and respect other people.
- In order to be united with our family, friends, and our community we need to be tolerant to understand and learn from our differences.
- We get along better with other people if we are tolerant.
- If we are tolerant we can have more friends.
- When we are tolerant we don't fight with our family or friends because we understand them.
- We are tolerant when we don't get angry if someone takes our favorite toy.
- We are tolerant when we tell our parents not to get angry with other drivers on the road.
- In a free country like ours we can think and believe in many different things.

- Every family and each person can decide what to believe in and what to think.
- Even if we are not like everybody else, we can learn from them and have fun together.

- Be aware that you can be in the place of that person who is being considered as weird and different.
- Accept other people's religious, politic, and social beliefs.
- Don't critize others.
- Don't discriminate other people who have different abilities from yours.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship refers to an individual's ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives.
Initiative is the ability to think outside the box because, for you, a box doesn't exist.
An initiative mindset develops:
Strategic planning
Strategic planning
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